Rapid4Cloud is pleased to announce the latest update of Platform, version 2.1.1 which brings new features, bug fixes and major improvements to further enhance user experience. Alongside this release is our Knowledge base support for Oracle Fusion Cloud version 21B; a pdf containing more details can be downloaded here
For introduction and a quick tutorial on how to use Platform, please head to https://www.rapid4cloud.com/training
What’s new in platform 2.1.1?
CONNECTIONS Get the list of the users for next filtering option feature.
GENERAL Data validations step in workflow activated for Copy, Rollout, Change Management.
For more information on how Rapid4Cloud validates your data, please see this video
COPY Wrong email content on validation failure.
COPY Error when no connection available.
CHANGE MANAGEMENT Wrong email content on validation failure.
CHANGE MANGEMENT Error when no connection available.
CONNECTION Issue with wrong DNS setup from Oracle Fusion.
REPORT Error when no connection available.
ROLES Issue when user is set back to default role.
ROLLOUT Error when no connection available.
GENERAL Typo on Fixed Assets.
More details of Platform updates can be found at https://platform.rapid4cloud.com/changelog
We have also added a training video on how you can validate and fix your data before loading to an Oracle Fusion Cloud instance, link can be found here