Rapid4Cloud Security Safeguards

Security is very important here at Rapid4Cloud, our objective as an Oracle Gold Partner is having a high-level of client and user confidence in having

Security is very important here at Rapid4Cloud, our objective as an Oracle Gold Partner is having a high-level of client and user confidence in having their data secure and guarded. In addition, with due diligences we continually upgrade our hardware and software to the highest level of security. With our committed dedication, we have security measures, and scheduled backup archives in place today to shield our products and infrastructure with the protection expected from our clients and users in keeping their data and work safe.

RAPIDPortal is the entry point in accessing Rapid4Cloud’s on-line products. Since, the core software and other modules reside in an Internet-based (cloud) computing environment, it is pertinent that the hosting environment is compliant and certified in accordance with cyber security standards. All required links are secured SSL connections with Grade A certificate (Qualys SSL Labs: SSL Certificate) via VPN services.

Rapid4Cloud has a grade A SSL security

Rapid4Cloud products target or use Oracle Databases, which provides multi-layered security including controls to evaluate risks, prevent unauthorized data disclosure, detect and report on database activities and enforce data access controls in the database with data-driven security, in the Cloud and on-premises. Oracle Database 12c introduces new capabilities, such as on-line and off-line tablespace encryption and database privilege analysis. Combined with Oracle Key Vault and Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall, it also provides unprecedented defense-in-depth capabilities to help organizations address existing and emerging security and compliance requirements (source Oracle Database Security).

RAPIDClient and RAPIDConfigurator are distributed as preconfigured Virtual Machines that loads locally into the virtualized environment of your choice. This containment enforces best practice security procedures, and is standalone and independent as to storage and processing, which is not a risk to other computing activity on the local network. In addition, all software and files in the distributed VM are scanned for malware and viruses to ensure the packages are safe.

Rapid4Cloud’s offices are secure by electronic badge entry into the physical building, and entry into the offices require biometric authentication. The local area network and servers are behind a firewall, with control access for technical and office staff based on their role and functions in maintaining our operating environment.

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